funded by the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation
The TRAME Fellowship in digital humanities of the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation has been established to support digital humanities research, through the development of the TRAME project maintained by FEF and SISMEL, with a grant-in-aid reserved to young scholars.
The grant will allow selected scholars (doctoral or postdoctoral candidates) to spend a period of six to twelve months in Florence seeking the development agenda of the TRAME project, with a monthly stipend of 2,500 Swiss francs.
Applications should be submitted (with curriculum vitae, selected position and motivation letterwith reason for research abroad) by May 31st, 2014, via email to: Prof. Jean-Yves Tilliette <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>.
Applications will then be submitted to the ZKS TRAME Fellowship Scientific Committee forevaluation. The results of the evaluation procedure will be published by June 30, 2014.
Winners will be given the opportunity to start the fellowship from the month of September, 2014.
TRAME Fellowship candidates profiles
TRAME is a software platform developed by the FEF and SISMEL Digital Humanities Dept.,following an already existing scientific and technological development roadmap. In order to makethe system grow and meet the requirements of the COST - VCMS and H2020 challenges we arelooking to extend the existing team., by hiring:
- Junior developers, mostly working on step 3 and 4 of the document Evolving the TRAMEsystem towards Horizon2020 and VCMS challenges, to develop the TRAME applicationtowards semantic technologies;
- Digital Humanist, mostly working on step 1 and 2 of the document Evolving the TRAMEsystem towards Horizon2020 and VCMS challenges, to develop the TRAME applicationtowards integrating new sites and tools (authority lists, etc.);
We are looking for candidates already familiar on working on the border betweeninformation and communication technology and humanities studies, to focus on the development ofthe TRAME application according to the agenda described in the document Evolving the TRAMEsystem towards Horizon2020 and VCMS challenges.
Open positions:
1. Junior developers with a thorough knowledge in the areas of:
- semantic Web technologies (RDF, SKOS, LOD)
- semantic Repositories management and SPARQL
- java development
and a good familiarity with:
- scripting languages (PHP, Python, etc.)
- Linux systems, shell scripting
- server technologies
Applicants for this position should present a documented experience in the abovetechnologies and may have a background in humanities studies.
2. Digital Humanists working as Data Analyst / Web Developer, experienced in:
- Relational Databases management (MySQL)
- Web Design, Interaction and Visual Design (HTML5, CSS)
and with a good familiarity with:
- scripting languages (PHP, Python, etc.),
- Linux systems, shell scripting
- server technologies
Applicants for this position should have a background in humanities studies and adocumented interest in disciplines such as digital text studies, digital history, and/or experiencewith digital research in literature and/or web technology.