
Travel Literature and Knowledge of the World from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino

ISSN: 1594-1019 - e-ISSN: 2975-142X

Editor: Stefano Pittaluga

Editorial Board: Nathalie Bouloux (Université de Tours), Béatrice Charlet Mesdjian (Université Aix-Marseille), Paolo Chiesa (Università di Milano), Edoardo D’Angelo (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli), Clara Fossati (Università di Genova), Domenico Losappio (Università di Genova), Antonietta Iacono (Università Federico II, Napoli), Marina Montesano (Università di Messina), Paolo Pontari (Università di Pisa), Luca Ruggio (Università di Lecce), Francesca Sivo (Università di Foggia), Emmanuelle Vagnon Chureau (CNRS-Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Advisory Board: Gabriella Airaldi, Marco Berisso, Franco Cardini, Guglielmo Cavallo, Juan Gil, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Enrico Menestò, Marica Milanesi, Massimo Oldoni, Sandra Origone, Donatella Restani, Lorenzo Vespoli, Paolo Viti, Jan Ziolkowski

Legal Representative Editor: Francesco Santi


The journal “Itineraria” offers a new space for research on themes and texts relating to travel and knowledge of the world (including imaginary, symbolic and metaphorical travel, visiones, fantastic geography, and geography of the after-world) from a broad philological perspective that, while privileging Medieval Latin and humanistic literary traditions, also includes classical and vernacular cultures. The subject matter of “Itineraria” embraces a vast chronological and cultural span: from Greek cosmologies to circumnavigations; Greco-Roman geographical literature to cosmography; visiones to itineraria; mirabilia to travel romances; chronicles of the Crusades to pilgrimages; reports by ambassadors, missionaries, and merchants to cartography; and pilot books to imaginary travel and fantastic geography. The scholarly level of “Itineraria” is overseen by an international editorial board, which in its make-up mirrors the variety of methodologies and disciplines the journal seeks to engage. All articles are submitted for one or more peer-reviews; the general editor determines publication in consultation with the peer reviewers.
The journal is issued annually and welcomes articles in the major European languages. Each article is accompanied by an abstract in English.

Articles submitted to the journal are subject to double blind peer review; the final decision on acceptance is made by the Editor, assisted by the Editorial Board Members, considering the opinion of the reviewer(s)

«Itineraria» is indexed in ESCI Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, Clarivate). It is included in Scopus (Elsevier NV), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), International Medieval Bibliography, Medioevo latino (MEL) and in the list of Class A Journals (area 10) by ANVUR.

All manuscripts should be sent to the Editor:
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"Itineraria" is available for online reference at:
Visit the section of the website of the Edizioni del Galluzzo devoted to Itineraria.