MIRABILE Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation Fellowship in Digital Humanities 2024

Mirabile-Atlas Fellowships in Digital Humanities of the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation


The Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation [http://www.zenokarlschindler-foundation.ch] has established two fellowships, each of them for six to twelve months, to support the development of the «MIRABILE. Digital Archive for Medieval Latin Culture» [www.mirabileweb.it] project maintained by
SISMEL (International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin, Via Montebello 7, I-50123 Florence www.sismelfirenze.it). It is intended that the fellows will carry out their fellowships at the seat of the SISMEL following the development agenda of the MIRABILE project, with a monthly stipend of CHF 2,500 (Swiss francs).

Applications should be submitted (with curriculum vitae and motivation letter) by July 15, 2024 via email to: Prof. Jean-Yves Tilliette (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).
The results of the evaluation procedure will be published by August 31, 2024.

Winners will be given the opportunity to start the fellowship from the beginning of October 1st, 2024.

MIRABILE-ATLAS Fellowship core objectives

1. On-line publication, with related search functions for the search and visualization, of data present in MIRABILE on an atlas of medieval culture with related cross-searches and interactive navigation over the data retrieved from the database. All data will be transformed in JSON, which is the standard format for the management of data used by Elastic Search for indexing.

2. Integration with information present in MIRABILE's databases (such as the author, the texts, the manuscripts that conserve them and the bibliography). The development of this new module will provide the ability to show those database informations on a map. The geographical data will be loaded by the user inserting it in a text field. To facilitate the user, a lemmatization algorithm will be used, it will analyze the text contained in the document by detecting the entries in it.

3. A user interface that will integrate the search engine results, will be implemented in the new project, providing a way to view the data on an interactive map.

People with the following characteristics can apply for one of the following profiles or for both, by indicating it explicitely

1. First profile
Ability to understand and process data from database to JSON format and link them to metatextual information present in MIRABILE (with knowledge of cartography);

Good knowledge of Latin
Knowledge of authors, texts and manuscripts of medieval Latinity
Knowledge of the problems concerning the transmission of medieval texts

Knowledge of XML-TEI format will represent a preference

2. Second profile

Knowledge of JSON format
Knowledge of OpenStreetMap geo-location service
Knowledge of Elastic Search Engine
Knowledge of XML-TEI format
Good written and oral English

For further information :
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