COST/IRHT - Training school: Transmission of texts. New tools, new approaches

31 March-4 April 2014
Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT, Paris) is pleased to announce the Training School“Transmission of texts: new tools, new approaches”. It is funded by COST ACTION IS 1005 (MedievalEurope. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources, and run incollaboration with Biblissima (Campus Condorcet).
The Training School involves five days of intensive training (a combination of practical sessions andlectures) in the use of IRHT databases (, tools, and applications developed by DigitalHumanities team of Biblissima ( Participants will receive a solid theoreticalfoundation and will develop hands-on experience with research tools dealing with the circulation of texts,manuscripts collections, and transmission of knowledge, with a special focus on interoperability betweendatabases and new methodologies (including ontologies and TEI-XML).
Languages of instruction: French and English.
Applications must be submitted by midnight Monday 10 February 2014.
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